Monday, July 30, 2012

Eggplant, Corn, and Tomato Casserole

Wow! It has been a hot minute.

Life happens.

This casserole is currently in my oven. I haven't tried it yet but it smells good so I'm going to go and say, this is a success!

I do not know the origins of this recipe- all I know is that it belongs to my ,grandmother. I really don't recall a time where she made this recipe for the family but it was on a handwritten recipe card that looked like it might have been given to her by my Great Great Aunt Emily.

1 medium eggplant
4 tomatoes
1/2 cup flour
1 onion, sliced
6 ears of corn
salt and pepper
buttered bread crumbs

Slice the unpeeled eggplant and tomatoes; toss lightly in flour and fry in oil infused with the garlic. (I actually used an infused Olive Oil from Asheville's Olive and Kickin'. It's an infusion of several Italian herbs and garlic)

Drain on paper towel.

In a casserole dish, place veggies in layers starting with half of the fried eggplant, tomatoes, onions, and salt and pepper. Top each layer with dotted butter. Continue layering until all veggies have been used, ending with dotted butter. Add corn, cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

6 servings


* I made only enough for Kevin and me so I used 1 small Japanese Eggplant and 2 sliced tomatoes.
* I did not fry the tomatoes... seemed like that was just too much fried goodness.
* I did not have whole corn so I used corn kernels that we had blanched and frozen last summer.